Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


7 Magazine interview 1999

"7" Magazine - July 21st 1999 Buy this mag or they'll set the dogs on you! Since their inception the Pet Shop Boys have been intertwined with dance music. They worked with legendary New York producer Bobby O, their choice of remixer has been remarkably prescient (they've got Felix Da Housekatt to twiddle their new single) and they're headlining this year's Creamfields. Which is all cool. But the real reason we love them is because they're...

The Pet Shop Boys’ Commandments

The Pet Shop Boys' Commandments After two decades at the top, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe are your perfect guides to the stars and the stalkers - and the business of pop. Interview by Miranda Sawyer. Sunday October 19, 2003 The Observer Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, as The Pet Shop Boys, are the most successful pop duo of all time: a statement which, in a stat-swamped world, means nothing, except that they've achieved their globe-smacking triumphs through...

Irish interview

A mug of Caffe latte – up to €3. Single train fare from Laytown to Dublin – about €10. A weekend away for two in Prague (including meals, decent wine and unnecessary shopping) – about €1,000. A red brick house on Ailsbury Road – anywhere between €10m-€30m. Drinkies with the Pet Shop Boys – priceless. There are some things money can’t buy, and one of these is sipping pink champagne (“it’s what Elton would...

Flipside interview – 1999

Never mind the bus, cocks. It was, on the face of it, a simple assignment: seek out the Pet Shop Boys, possibly Britain’s greatest, certainly Britain’s perennially coolest pop band and, using the finest gadgets developed by Q, discover the truth behind the band. No matter how sinister. Flipside agent 003.5 (half the man of James Bond) is rattling the cage that guards the entrance to the grand and over-intricate Victorian hulk of the St. Pancras...